In these economically hard times, your one chance for survival is to have some decent savings in the bank. That way, should you lose your job because of the recession that is going on, you will have something to fall back to, some money that will help tide you over until you get another job.
If you don’t have this, your only alternative is to get a loan. But what if you have a bad credit standing? How can you repair bad credit?
A bad credit standing is achieved if you have managed to not take care of your finances and loans. People with bad credit scores are those that have not had any payments for their loans for years or those that have not managed to even pay half of their credit card debts.
If you have a couple of bank loans and a few credit cards that you have not yet fully paid in years and with interest already growing, chances are you have a bad credit standing.
Although it is quite easy to get a bad credit standing, it is hard to repair your reputation with the banks and redeem yourself. However, it is not saying that it is some impossible task. You can repair your bad credit by following some of these tips and tricks.
1. Get a Credit counseling
Admitting that you have a problem and seeking help is the first sign that you are willing to change your ways. For banks and financial companies, this is a good sign. It means that you are willing to make changes in your life and you are willing to face the consequences of your actions. Credit counseling will provide you with sound advice on how to manage you debt and how to make small payments until you finish paying for the debt. It will even give tips on how to save money and on how to quell your shopping addiction.
2. Making payments
You also need to show that you are going to pay for your loans and you can do this by making regular payments to the account. It does not matter if you cannot pay the whole amount or that you are only paying a small portion of the total loan. What is important is you are paying the loan.
3. Consolidate your debt
Most people who have multiple debts will be asked to make one huge loan to pay for all the other debts so that you will only need to worry about just one loan. Before you do this, make sure that you have checked with all the banks and have managed to get the lowest interest rates for the loan. This way, you can save much especially if the interest of the new loan is significantly smaller than the interests of the loans that you are paying for.
4. Make a commitment
Going to the bank and assuring them that you will be paying your loan will give the impression that you are a man of your word and that you are not afraid to face them. When you do this, it will be more likely for the banks to give you a loan again especially if you need them in an emergency. After all, you were man enough to repair your badly-shaped credit rating. How can they not trust you?