100 Day Loans Review: Should You Get a Loan from This Payday Loan Website?

If you’re looking for a 100 Day Loans Review, then you must be in a little bit of trouble monetarily.
Or in other words…you’re a bit broke, and you need some help. Perhaps you’ve got a car payment due or past due. Or maybe it’s your mortgage. Whatever it is, it’s no fun.
I know because I’ve been there before. Listen, I’m a college student, so I know what it’s like having to dig through couch cushions, or wondering if I should ask my parents for yet another loan.
But more than anything, I know that desperate feeling of having a bill or payment due, and knowing that I don’t have the money to pay it.
I also know that you have to be mighty careful when it comes to short term, or payday loans.
So what you want is to know that you’re making the right decision and using the right loan service.
Is 100 Day Loans Legitimate?
At first glance it does seem almost too good to be true. A quick small loan of up to $1000 dollars that you can get within an hour in most cases, and then get up to 100 days to pay it back (again…in most cases). We’ll go over in a minute when and why it’s not always the case.
But here’s the deal…
This loan service is legitimate.
Here’s how it works in a nutshell.
- You need a loan,
- You fill out an application,
- They do a huge search to find lenders who are willing to lend you money…
- If you agree to their terms, they wire the money to your bank account…usually within the hour…
It’s really that simple, and a very simple concept. It’s how other larger and bigger money lending sites such as LendingTree.com works, except this is just a smaller loan that can help you get through a rough patch.
What About My Credit?
Many people don’t have the best credit in the world. Good credit isn’t something that’s easy to establish, much less to sustain. So when the chips are down, those of us with spotty, or just down right “BAD” credit are usually left feeling like we’re up the creek… if you know what I mean.
But with 100 Day Loans, credit is rarely a problem. It may definitely affect your interest rate, and how much you pay for the loan (which is usually between $5 and $25 per $100 borrowed).
One of the reasons is because your loan application is being blasted out to so many lenders (150 or more), who then sort of clamor to get your business. They also charge a very high interest rate… which is how they get their money back plus protect themselves from the risk that they’re taking.
But at times it can be a huge savior to get this money and get you out of a pickle.
Is It Safe?
When you get a “bad credit loan”, or a “pay day loan” you’ve got to be very careful about your info. Actually whenever you do anything online you’ve got to be careful. But especially something as personal as a loan! You’re going to have to submit some very private info and so you want to make sure that this info doesn’t get into the wrong hands.
Though 100 Day Loans may send your information out, they are wise to encrypt all sensitive data, and it is in their privacy policy to keep that information private, and only share with companies you plan to utilize and let loan you money.
So What’s the Verdict?
All in all, I feel that though it’s not a fun thing to have to use a service like this, and that you should avoid it when possible – but it’s sometimes essential. I would certainly advise however if you are going to use such a service it should be with 100 Day Loans.
If you’re in a crunch, you need money super fast, and this 100 Day Loan review has shown you that this company is worth checking out… then see how easy it is for yourself by clicking here now.