Payday One Review: The Truth About This Payday Lender That You Need to Know!

If I can take a wild guess, then I can imagine that right now you’re feeling a little nervous about a few things, and therefore this Payday One review is hugely important to you.
You’re nervous because you need money quickly to satisfy some sort of debt that you owe (been there before believe me)… And you’re nervous because you don’t know whether or not you can trust Payday One as a loan source.
I’ve been there as well.
It’s quite scary when you’re not sure whether or not you can trust a source, even though it seems very much like the answer to your problem right now.
So let’s get to it…
Should You Trust Payday One?
Doing things online is scary sometimes. You really have no idea who you’re dealing with and what they’re going to do with your money or your information once you submit it over to them.
For all you know, there could be some guy in Nigeria just waiting on the other side of the computer for you to enter something and ready to pounce on you as soon as you hit send.
On the other hand, it could mean that once you fill out an application and hit send, money can be deposited into your bank account, ending your worry about funds for this month.
The good news is that Payday One is a reliable loan source online. They can be trusted, and are actually one of the more secure loan websites online today. If you’re worried about who you’re dealing with, then once you go to their website, you’ll be able to contact them via phone or email just to ease your worries.
How Does Getting a Loan Work?
As nervous as you are about getting a payday loan with Payday One, the process is actually quite simple.
You simply need to fill out an application for your loan that is about as hassle free as it can be. If you’ve ever filled out an application for a loan in the past then you know how annoying it probably was. It was likely tons and tons of paperwork to fill out… along with faxing this and that over to the lender… and then waiting for weeks or more to find out if you qualified.
This isn’t like that at all.
In fact, Payday One was apparently the first lender that offered a “fax free loan”. This means that everything you need to fill out is done online.
Qualifying for a loan with Payday One simply requires that you have maintained a good standing with your checking account balance, with no recent (last 30 days) bounced checks or overdraft fees.
You also will need to have a positive balance in your account at the time of applying.
You’ll have to have a proof of income (it is a payday loan, so they’ll want to know that you’ve got a payday coming up to pay them back), and you must be able to supply an email address. In addition you must be 18 years or older and a U.S. Citizen.
Once you’ve filled out your application, they’ll immediately let you know if you’ve qualified and the next day they’ll deposit the money into your account.
Generally you’ll have about 14 days to pay the loan back, plus the cost of the loan which is generally around $14.00 to $30.00 per hundred borrowed. This is a little less than the standard fees actually.
How About Bad Credit…
Bad credit is fine with these loans. The truth is that you’ll be paying a pretty high interest rate on your loan, and that’s because of the fact that you’re a bigger risk to the lender. But, you’re getting yourself out of financial trouble hopefully and so you’re happy to pay a little bit more in interest right?
If by chance your loan is not approved by Payday One, then what you can agree to is to have them shop your loan around to someone who might lend you money. If that happens you just need to be aware that some of your personal information will be shared with third parties. You’ve got the choice whether or not you want to allow that to happen or not.
How About Support?
As I mentioned before, you can contact them via email or telephone.
If there’s one thing that gives this company a negative mark in my mind, it’s the lack of a chat support for quick questions. Again, this is a bit of a scary process for someone in your situation. You may have a quick question when filling out the application and need a quick answer and a chat function would help out greatly in that situation.
However the bright spot is that their customer service is available 24 hours a day, so that if you need an answer at 3am, when you’re the most worried about your bills…laying awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering what you’re going to do… you can get the answer from a live human being.
Overall, it’s unfortunate to be in the spot having to obtain a payday loan. I get that. But the positive is that there are companies out there like Payday One who are available to help you so that you don’t have to be bothering parents or in-laws, family members, or friends for help for YOUR embarrassing money situations.
If you’re ready to check out their website, and you can tell by this Payday One review that this company is safe and will help you out in a trustworthy and reliable way, then click here now!