Time Management Training Programs
In the busy world of today, it is more and more important that individuals learn how to properly manage their times in order to maintain a healthy balance between work, personal lives, and family. It is beginning to feel as though there are just not enough hours in any day for all of the required jobs to get done, let alone the time to unwind for the sake of personal health.
Fortunately, there are a lot of books and resources that have been developed in order to assist a person in handling their time accordingly. Here are some classes and resources I found while doing some research on the Internet, and what they offer in terms of time management hints.
The Seven Habit of Highly Effective People, a book by Stephen Covey. In this book, Covey offers some time management strategies as well as categorizing the different strategies available today. In another book, he also proposes a new category of fourth generation time management, which a difference in the matter of urgency and the importance of planning.
The first generation is classified as go with the flow, and individuals practicing this method keep lists which are used as reminders, and any unaccomplished items are added to the list of the next day. The second generation plans and prepares for their needs, using appointment books, calendars, electronic devices. IT is about goal setting and preparation. The third generation spends time in prioritizing and preparing for different areas of time management.
Software: There are several software programs developed to keep track of time management that can be vital assistants to the small business owner and the large business employee alike. Track-It Light Time Tracking Software is available through Dovico.
It is not expensive, and allows a variety of time entry, the ability to keep track of multiple projects, and does not take up a lot of your computers resources because of its light format. Responsive Time Logger Time Tracking Software has an interface which allows a user to jump from project to project and also allows you to manage your time from a Palm device.
Courses: There are hundreds of courses available to help train people to manage their time better, and they are available both online and through educational institutes as well as through government programs as might be found at an employment agency or retraining office.
Many businesses will also offer their employees training sessions on utilizing time efficiently. These courses are a great opportunity to lessen the stress in your life and harmonize your experiences by helping you to more effectively balance the different areas of your life.
There are several different ways in which the individual can learn to better manage his or her time. For some, reading a book might be enough to set them on a stress free path where deadlines are always met and personal lives are perfectly balanced. It may be better for most individuals, however, to take advantage of as many different resources as possible.