Author Archives: Collin

Electronic Cigarettes Versus Regular Cigarettes

Electronic Cigarettes are devices, often shaped to look like regular cigarettes or cigars, that deliver a vaporized solution to the user. They are battery powered and reusable and can provide either a nicotine based, or non-nicotine based solution. Using electronic cigarettes does have some benefits over regular cigarettes. Although it is still being debated, it…

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What is an Electronic Cigarette

An electronic cigarette is a gadget which gives you the same sensation and experience of smoking a real cigarette without any combustion of tobacco to achieve the same affects. Essentially you are breathing in and out water vapor which makes it a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. The water vapor looks, feels and tastes just…

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FAQS About The Electric Cigarette

The electric cigarette was first developed and came onto the market in 2003. Since then electric cigarettes have gained in popularity. Nowadays, more and more traditional cigarette smokers realize that electric cigarettes actually provide a healthier alternative to smoking tobacco products. What exactly are electric cigarettes and how can they be healthier than regular cigarettes?…

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