Tag Archives: confidence

Hypnosis For Confidence – Find Your Best Ally Within

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. All of us have been told the story about the tortoise and the hare in our childhood. We all know what the end of the story was; the tortoise won the race due to perseverance and a never-say-die spirit. Would the tortoise have won if he had no confidence in his abilities? I think not. Confidence lies at the core of […]

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Get Results From Self Hypnosis

The most important step in any hypnosis program is setting your intention! Before you even turn a self hypnosis session on you should first have a written statement of your intention. this statement should sum up the result you want to accomplish from listening to the hypnosis session. For an example we will assume you have a goal to gain more self confidence. Firstly write down a statement outling your intent and alter it so that it becomes an affirmation or set of affirmations. Make it present […]

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