All students have universal needs such as good study skills, effective time management, academic and social support systems, and recreational outlets.
You may be well out of proper direction if one of these is not given value. You can be guided by a good set of goals.
A set of goals will begin by having a clear understanding of your overall vision or long range goals. You must have a definition of why you are in school and what is important to you now and hereafter.
Set goals that are manageable, realistic and attainable for you now as a student and in the future – meaning short term and long term plans. Set concrete and specific goals that you can transform into achievable tasks on a daily basis.

Specific short term goals can be “study my chemistry lessons at least 1 hour every night” compared to the usual “study more.” Being specific in making goals will guide you on what you are exactly set out to do.
Goal setting improves students’ self-image. It calls to awareness your strengths that are necessary to overcome and provide solutions to problems, and your weaknesses so you can start to improve them.
If students learn how to set their goals properly, it can give them visualization on how to plan actions to achieve goals and how to carry them out.
Other benefits of goal setting
- motivates you to set priorities as a student and make a clear direction of your desires
- makes you responsible in the decision making process
After you have set your goals, here are some ways that can help you while you are achieving them:
- -find a group of friends that you can really trust even with your life. You can develop friendship with someone that cares about you and your goals.
- develop your study habits. Do not force yourself if you cannot concentrate, instead walk away from your notes for awhile and relax your mind. Then you can go back to studying as soon as you feel better.
- design yourself a schedule that will help you manage your time and your school activities. Make one and stick to it faithfully.
- communicate with your teacher right from the start. If you have questions, ask. This will help you better understand your lessons while maintaining a good relationship with your teacher.
- focus especially during exams, afterwards you can relax after receiving good grades.
Follow through
Your goals are surely challenging. You will expect and encounter problems and setbacks. That is why self-discipline and persistence are important parts of your action plan.
Being a self-disciplined student and person sometimes means doing what you don’t want to do and giving up something you want – so that you can achieve greater goals.
Sometimes, you need to pass up on a movie invitation to give time to studying your lessons for an exam the next day. This can be difficult with peer pressure to add, but just remember that you can watch all the movies you want after passing your all your tests.
Strong will and determination are important for failures are numerous. It is a matter of asking yourself if you truly are willing to do what is needed to get what you really want.
Discipline and persistence are vital ingredients you shouldn’t take for granted.
Do all these with a good attitude.
After all, all of the tests and papers will be over soon enough and a bigger challenge awaits, success in the corporate world.