2 Different Ways To Sell Beats Online

How to Sell Beats Online Like a Pro

Some of the services you will need to grow your beat selling business are very affordable. You will need a flash store to host all of your beats and allow music artists to buy your beats instantly. You will need an auto responder. If you use word press then you can use the GWA plug-in. Aweber is another great auto responder. You will need a verified pay pal account to accept funds and transfer funds to your accounts.

The first way to sell tons of beats online over and over again is by using this free technique known to the internet marketing world as e-mail marketing. It’s one of the most powerful ways to get sales every month. There is no limit to how many sales you can generate from e-mail marketing.

E-mail marketing means emailing music artist who are on your personal auto responder list. An auto responder is a contact list that a music artist signed up to on their own. To get music artists to sign up onto your list, give them a free beat which is the incentive to sign up to your list. Once they are on your list, you have the ability to send them promotional e-mails anytime you choose and make sales. There is no limit to how many people you can have on your list which makes e-mail marketing so powerful.

Imagine having 80,000 music artists on your auto responder list? Send 4 Promotions per month to your list. If you sell beats at $19.95 per lease and have a sale running that is a buy 1 lease, get 1 lease free then you can make over $10,000 from that 1 email. That would mean only 10,000 of your contacts converted which is pretty good.

To start overflowing your auto responder with contacts, put your auto responder on your personal site, sound click page or setup a new page only for getting new contacts.

There is a lot more information on e-mail marketing. You need to get yourself started before you can take in any of the advanced techniques.

The second way to make lots of money selling beats online is using the social networks. Social networks are by far the biggest communities of people that include music artists. The possibilities when using social networks is amazing. There is so much room to jump in and get you noticed on social networks.
Start by choosing face book as your first place. Setup a fan page for people to hit the like button. Fill in all of your information in a professional manner with your website links. Only put related information in your profile.

Now you can start targeting music artists on face book and talk to them. Don’t ever message a random person and tell them to check your beats out. You will not make money that way. Try talking to them normal and ask for a link to their songs. Listen to their music and give them feedback on it.

Once you start having a full conversation, you can mention that you are a producer with beats. Now is your chance to throw your beat site to them. Tell them about your current beat deals.

Start using these techniques today and you will be on your way to selling beats online.

How To Make Beats For Tv

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