Author Archives: Daniel

The Perils Of Over-Exercising

For someone who is not fond of jargon, the modern world can be an incredibly frustrating and annoying place. We are told to push the envelope, feel the burn, and pick the low-hanging fruit until such time as we want to push the envelope down the throat of the person telling us all of this.…

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The Importance Of Strong Abdominal Muscles

Endurance and hard work are not things which come naturally to all of us. Indeed, there are many who, when faced with a particular task, will go at it with the zeal of someone who is possessed initially and will find themselves flagging very shortly afterwards. This makes every task a lot harder to complete,…

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Better Abs Means Better Sport Performance

One of the major reasons that people work on their physical fitness is the importance that general fitness has in terms of performing well in sport. Someone can be technically gifted in a sport – skilled at passing a football, able to hit an excellent forehand in tennis or have superb accuracy when shooting a…

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A Cosmetic Difference Or A Real Benefit

When you see an absurdly toned dancer or actor flouncing around a TV screen with their bulging abs showing, it is easy to come to the conclusion that they are simply showing off a look that will make some people find them attractive. It is equally easy to conclude that they look absolutely ridiculous, and…

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Are You Committed?

Commitment is a fairly loaded word. Ask around in enough places and you will find that commitment is required from so many different people in so many different situations. It is a quality desired in, and missing from, men in a relationship. It is also demanded of employees under contract to a company. Commitment requires…

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Building The Perfect Body

Although there are differing levels of importance placed on the way we look, pretty much no-one would ever turn down the opportunity to have the perfect body if getting there did not demand too much from them. But this in itself raises some questions. What exactly is the perfect body? How is it achieved, and…

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The Value Of Persistence

Hard work is a necessity in life if you want to get anywhere. If you want to make money, then you have to be prepared to work for it. If you want a relationship to work, then you have to be aware that give and take are required. If you are building or making something,…

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