Wake up early at least 1 hour before sun rise.
Attending nature’s call (Malotsarg) – bowels, urination etc. Never suppress nor forcefully void the natural urges – Vegavidharan (suppression) can lead to many diseases. For defecation one should always use toilets and it should not be done in open grounds. After defecation, the anal area should be cleaned properly with water and hands should be washed properly with soap.
Care of Teeth – Usage of fresh stick of Neem (Azadirachta indica), Khadir (Acacia catechu) etc. can clean teeth, and vanish foul smell.
Nasal drops (Nasya)- Put two drops of sesame oil/ mustard oil/ghee or Anu Talia (An Ayurvedic medicine if available)- It prevents premature greying of hair, baldness and ensures good sleep.
Mouth wash (Gandush)- Fill mouth with Triphala decoction or other medicated oils – It prevents excess thirst, improves taste and maintains oral hygiene. It is also useful in managing the mouth ulcers and dryness commonly seen in Diabetes patients.
Oleation (Abhyanga)- application of oil daily e.g. Tila Taila (Seasame oil) – Keeps skin soft, improves blood circulation and removes waste. This helps in prevention of numbness of extremities due to Diabetes. Apply Tila (Seasame) oil or any suitable oil on head in sufficient quantity which enhances the strength of head and forehead and makes hair black, long and deep-rooted.
Exercise (Vyayama)- Exercise should be done till sweat rolls down from neck, forehead etc. Exercising early in the morning can help remove stagnation in the body and can help recharge and rejuvenate your body and mind for a productive day. Regular exercise is an important step for prevention and management of various ailments.
Hair should be kept properly and should be cut regularly. Similarly, nails should also be kept clear and should be cut regularly.
Bath (Snana) – Take bath half to one hour after exercise – Prevents premature greying of hair, baldness, ensures good sleep and physical hygiene.
Food (Bhojan)- The various aspects as mentioned in the topic diet should be followed.
Sleep (Nidra)- Keep the environment clean and pleasant. Avoid sleeping in day.- Proper sleep provides health and longevity. Improves complexion and glow. One should take proper sleep every night, which should be between 6-8 hours per night. In summer one can take a small nap during day time also. Too much sleep and too little sleep, both are not good for healthy living. Generally day sleeping is not advisable.