Author Archives: Daniela

Maine Coon Cats

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would characteristics you would like to see in your new companion.…

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A Short History Of Cats

It seems strange that there was ever a time when cats were not a part of our lives. It’s been less that 10,000 years since cats swaggered into our lives. Hardly an eye blink in the grand sweep of life on this planet. Why were cats so late to join our team? The simple answer…

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Deworming Multiple Cats

Ah yes, everyone’s favorite pet chore. One day you clean your cats’ box and discover little white chunks of what appear to be cooked spaghetti lodged in the feces, that is, until one starts to move. You know then that it’s time to deworm your cats. If your veterinarian says that your cat doesn’t have…

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Tips for Understanding Your Cat

Are you a new pet owner? If you have just purchased a new cat, you may be excited! After all, you should be. Owning a cat is a huge responsibility, but it is one that is filled with many great rewards. There is nothing better than seeing love and compassion in the eyes of your…

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Basic Nutrition For Cats

Cats are what are known as obligate carnivores. An obligate carnivore is one that must east meat. You cannot just turn her out to graze in a pasture. The digestive tract of cats has been shortened and optimized proteins from meat. They simply don’t have the dental or digestive apparatus to process plant materials. It’s…

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