Unique Colored Vegetables To Plant In Your Garden

Mushroom Growing for You

Gardening will take on an entirely new meaning when you plant these colorful vegetables in it. Friends and neighbors will be amazed and children will love showing off their great garden rewards.

Rainbow Carrots

Grow red, yellow, orange and purple carrots with kaleidoscope blends. These carrots retain the same delicious sweet flavor you’re used to but with a rainbow twist. Children will love showing these off to family and friends.

Purple Green Beans

Purple green beans are as delicious and nutritious as the green variety. Pick them when they’re full and purple. These green beans will turn more of a green as you cook them up. Delicious in any dish or alone steamed with butter.

Italian Rose Heirloom Beans

These speckled beauties are as delicious and nutritious as their plain counterparts. Your beans will vary from red with white speckles to white with red speckles. Cook them up like you would regular beans or allow them to dry, shell and use as hard beans.

Cheddar Cauliflower

Want to entice your kids to eat some cauliflower? Try this unique variety. No, it isn’t cheddar flavored, but the color looks like it is. Perhaps your kids will be convinced it’s better if it’s yellow.

Purple Potatoes

We’ve all seen yukon gold, red russets and other colors of potatoes, but you haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen a purple potato. Friends and family alike will all enjoy this delicious variety. Try it for Memorial Day or the Fourth of July for a red, white and blue salad adventure to celebrate.

Egyptian Walking Onions

Want a mild flavored unique onion? This variety may fit the bill. These onions will grow two purple colored globes. Smaller than the white or yellow varieties these onions reseed themselves and come back year after year. Plant in an area where they can reproduce or you’ll have your entire garden taken over. Delicious in salads, stir fries and more.

Yellow Zucchini

Tired of the old fashioned green zucchini that seems to multiply like rabbits? Try this sweeter variety. Yes, they still multiply but their yellow color sets them apart from typical zucchini. Delicious as zucchini boats, in stir fries and fresh in salads.


Try growing some golden tomatoes for a change of pace. Pear, cherry and regular sized varieties are all readily available. Purple varieties are also available for a unique taste treat.


This unique fruit (often called a vegetable) looks like a tomato with a green papery jacket on. Related to gooseberries and ground cherries, this unique fruit is often chopped and put on tacos and pizza for a unique taste treat. A bit on the tart side you might not quite expect the bite.

Lemon Cucumber

Lemon cucumbers have a subtle taste of lemon in a cucumber. Yellow in color they look like their green counterparts only rounder. Delicious sliced in a salad or eaten straight.

Now that you know some unique colored vegetables to plant you’ll want to create your own multi colored vegetable garden.

Aquaphonics for Idiots

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