Category Archives: Exercise

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is also known as aerobic exercise and it is a term that refers to exercises that involve leg muscles with an intense participation of lungs and heart. The word ‘aerobic’ refers to anything that needs air, as during a cardiovascular exercise oxygen is continuously delivered to the muscles. Specialists speak in favor of…

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Cardio Exercise

A successful cardio exercise should include a warm-up and then progress to a high intensity period of the work-out, followed by a cool-down period at the very end. We are traditionally coached to stretch the primary muscles before the workouts, after the warm up. You might come across different schools of thought when it comes…

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Exercise for Cardiovascular Health

Although there are countless activities known to relieve stress, we will select a handful that require essentially no preparation and can be done right away. The first activity is a breathing practice known as fourfold breathing. What you do is inhale for a mental count of four seconds, hold your breath in for a mental…

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