The roadside stand is as common a site in rural America as the lemonade stand is in the city.…
The roadside stand is as common a site in rural America as the lemonade stand is in the city.…
As long as you aren’t allergic to bee stings beekeeping is a way for someone who doesn’t have a…
Marketing honey in today’s market is going to pose a bit of a challenge since you have so many…
The survival of a colony of bees living in a bee hive depends on the queen bee. Without a…
There’s approximately 20,000 species of bees throughout the world making them the interest of beekeepers who rely on them…
Training to be a beekeeper is a time consuming skill that many take seriously because you have to share…
When beekeepers go to work they have essential tools needed to keep themselves safe because having a couple hundred beestings can be fatal. This is why it’s important that beekeepers practice and exercise safety. First and foremost beekeepers wear protective suits that are supposed to be puncture and sting proof because there are cases where the bees will swarm and have covered beekeepers from head to toe. They wear a mesh screen face protector to protect their…
Beekeeping is one of the oldest forms of food production dating back as far back as 13,000 BC. The history dates back to ancient Egypt where it was modernized for that time until around the 1860s when the first system of beekeeping was brought to the United States by a 19th Century native Pennsylvanian named John Harbison. According to history beekeeping was practiced for the harvesting of honey, which is the mainstay of a beekeepers financial sustenance.…
Obviously the whole reason to set up, maintain, and stock a beehive is to harvest honey. You will know that it is time to harvest the honey when you look in one of your hives supers and find that the frames are full of honey combs that your bees have covered with wax caps. Now all you have to do is remove the honey combs. Harvesting your honey won’t be a problem as long as your put…
Like all hobbies, beekeeping requires some basic equipment before someone can establish a successful hive. This equipment should be bought before you get a call from the post office asking you to come pick up bees. The most obvious piece of equipment you will need is the actual bee hive. Your beehive should be have five supers. The supers are a very important part of the beehive because they are where the bees will be storing their…