Grit Vs Debt: One Determined Couple. 20 Crazy Months. $72k In Student Loans Paid.

Business Finance Plan

Free game-plan — get the 5-step, reproducible strategy we used to pay off our $72,500 of student loan debt in just 20 months. Grab it here: (just copy and paste into your browser)

On our honeymoon, my wife and I decided to try to pay off our massive student loan balance in less than two years. I had dropped out of college after my freshman year, while Rachel had completed her studies and earned a studio art degree. You could say the odds weren’t quite stacked in our favor.

Grit Vs. Debt takes you on our rollercoaster journey as we worked, struggled, believed, and ultimately paid off every last penny of our debt in a swift 20 months.

My desire is that this book will give hope and inspiration to a generation that sees 75% of its college graduates enter the “real world” with an average of over $35,000 of debt. I’m confident our story will encourage and equip you to not just fight back, but become a VICTOR of circumstance.

The book will point you to a PDF called the “5-Step Gameplan to Make a Fast Student Loan Debt Pay-Off Inevitable”. You can also grab it here -> (just copy and paste into your browser)


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