Symptoms of Tonsil Stones

Banish Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones are also known as tonsilloliths and are caused by the presence bacteria and debris that become trapped in the small cracks or pockets of the tonsils. Mucous and dead cells can often find their way between all the little nooks and crannies of the tonsils but it is when they calcify or harden that tonsil stones then form. Those who are prone to bouts of tonsillitis or inflammation of the tonsils are more likely to develop tonsil stones which can range in size and symptoms.

The typical symptoms of tonsil stones include bad breathe and this is usually the main indicator that stones may be present. Given that bad breathe goes hand in hand with a tonsil infection, it is generally upon examination or X-ray that tonsil stones can be diagnosed as sometimes halitosis is the result of tonsillitis.

A sore throat is another typical symptom of tonsil stones but more often than not a sore throat is common of tonsillitis. Again, examination of the throat will determine whether or not the pain experienced is due to a stone or stones being present in the tonsil tissue. The presence of tonsil stones can make swallowing difficult and this in turn can produce a certain amount of pain in the ears due to connective nerves.

Tonsil stones can vary in size and in some cases they can produce no noticeable symptoms. However, when visible they are often described as visible white patches or lumps in the back of the throat. It is known for tonsil stones to become well hidden in the folds and pockets of the tonsils, therefore a scan or x-ray may be the only way to locate them.

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