How To Handle The Transitions And Changes Of Your Pregnancy Going Into The Second Trimester

Bump to Birth

During your second trimester of pregnancy, you are going to experiences a lot of changes and different feelings than you dealt with during the first three months. While each woman and her experience with pregnancy is different, there are many things that are standard and common which we will address here.

During your scheduled ultrasound, the fundal height of the baby will be measured. This will determine whether the baby is growing correctly, and if any other potential abnormalities or conditions may be present in the baby. While you may have already had some tests done for downs syndrome and the like, this measurement will check for accuracy as well as determine the accuracy of your due date.

Now that you have entered your second trimester, chances are that you cannot physically hide your pregnancy anymore. Your pants are too tight, your shirts show off your baby bump and chances are, you are looking for something more comfortable. Now is the time to really start shopping for maternity clothes. Whether you collect them as hand-me-downs from other moms, shop the local thrift store circuit or choose to purchase new from retail stores, you need to keep several things in mind.

You should continue to wear your usual size, just in maternity instead of regular womens sizes. If you wore a size 8 pant before, you should still wear that same size, unless you have put on an above normal amount of weight.

Often times pregnant women find that skirts and dresses become more comfortable than anything else because they don’t fall down, and allow them room to move freely. While shirts may fit you well now, as your belly grows, it will be harder and harder to find shirts that are long enough to cover you. Getting some long tank tops or belly bands will ensure that you can continue to wear your cute shirts through the end of your pregnancy.

At all of your doctors visits your blood pressure and weight will be regularly checked. While many women experience morning sickness during their first trimester, weight gain doesn’t usually start until the second trimester. Now your doctor will want to make sure that you are staying within a normal range.

Your blood pressure can be an indicator of pre eclampsia or other conditions common during pregnancy. For this reason they will want to check it anytime you are seen by the nurse or the physician.

The heart rate of the fetus will also be measured frequently. As with blood pressure, it can be a great tool to understand what is going on with the health of the baby, as well as you. Keeping an eye on this number will allow your doctor to make sure that things are going smoothly.

If you haven’t already done it, consider writing down your birthing plan. A birthing plan is something that you can give to the hospital which outlines your wishes for childbirth as well as telling them things you definitely do NOT want to happen. Things like epidural use, drugs, and c-sections are all common things to talk about. Many women also plan out simple things like wanting dim lighting, or soothing music playing.

These middle months of a woman’s pregnancy are full of change. They can be physically and mentally taxing and knowing what you are experiencing is normal can make a great difference to you. Get a plan together for your birth, know what changes are in store and try to enjoy the ride as much as possible 🙂

The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide

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