Infertility Drugs

Pregnancy Miracle

Infertility can be defined as the inability for a couple to conceive after a year or more of well-timed, unprotected sex. 55% of infertility cases can be attributed to females whereas the rest of 35% of the cases are due to problems in the man.

However, some couples wish to make themselves infertile due to reasons such as having the number of offspring they hoped to have, bad genetic history, lack of finances and personal reasons such as disliking the idea of being a parent or not being quite ready to conceive. We must respect couples who make the decision to remain childless, because in most cases, it is indeed the wisest choice. Bringing a child into the world is serious business and in you believe that you are not ready to take up the responsibility of another individual’s lives controlling unwanted births is the best decision.

Many of us are aware of the various contraceptive methods available out there. One of the commonest methods of stopping conception is to prevent sperm from reaching the female egg and these methods include usage of condoms or diaphragms. Methods of vasectomy, insertions of an intra uterine device and contraceptive injections are also some widely used methods of contraception. However, today couples are given the option of using infertility drugs in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Usage of infertility drugs, which is commonly referred to as “pills” is the most common and most effective method of contraception. Infertility drugs contain a mixture of hormones that suppress release of eggs in women. The sex hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), play the prime roles in maturing eggs and preparing the rest of the female reproductive track for possible pregnancy. These hormones and the hormone progesterone are manipulated by using infertility drugs and this, as explained, stops pregnancies from taking place.

Since these can be discontinued whenever pleased, they do not make a woman completely sterile. Most users of infertility drugs claim that they result in reduced acne problems and lesser volumes of blood released when they do have their periods. Infertility drugs do not interfere with the process of sexual intercourse unlike condoms and thus, both the partners can enjoy the experience to the fullest. Doctors recommend infertility drugs to all women other than the small percentage of the female population suffering from estrogen-induced blood clotting and malignancies.

However, there are a couple of possible cons in using infertility drugs that every woman should be aware of. Weight gain, menstrual bleeding, swelling of breast and nausea some of the rare, yet possible side effects of infertility drugs. However, since there are numerous brands to choose from, one can ensure that she will find a brand that will suit her best. If you do not see any of these side effects during the first year of using infertility drugs you are very unlikely to see them later in life.

Uncover The Answers To Infertility

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