Step By Step Process on How to Restore Your Vintage Bike

If you’re thinking about restoring a vintage motorcycle, then you are definitely making the right decision. Restoring vintage bikes is not only a great hobby but it’s also an investment that will potentially make you a lot of money. In fact, some people who saw the business potential of motorcycle restoration now makes more than a hundred thousand dollars a year.
Setting the business side away, you will find that motorcycle restoration is a fun hobby especially if you consider yourself as a motorcycle nut or a bike enthusiast. The sense of joy and fulfillment that you will get once you fully restore a vintage bike aesthetically and mechanically can really be addicting.
This will urge you to continue on restoring vintage bikes for years to come. And, the best thing about this hobby is that it can also be a family activity where you can get your teenage son or even daughter to help you out with the restoration process.

If this is your first time to restore a vintage bike, here is the basic step by step process on how you can restore your vintage bike properly and easily.

The first thing you need to do is take detailed pictures of the bike. This means that you need to take close up pictures of every major component of the bike, such as the engine, wheels, seat, etc. Doing so will help you with the disassembly and assembly process.
After this step, the next thing you have to do is to start disassembling the bike. If it is possible, try to take photos of every part you take off. And, you may want to take notes about which part you pulled out first up until you take off the last part of the bike.
Separate the part that only needs cleaning to parts that needs repair and replacement. This will help you keep the entire project organized and also help you decide what parts you need to buy.
The next step is the hard part. This is where you look for replacement parts for your vintage motorcycle. You can try joining clubs and gain access to the contacts that may have the parts you need or if you run out of options, you can always get the parts you need fabricated in metal workshops.
After getting all the parts, the next step is to get the engine of the bike to a specialist for a complete rebuild. This will ensure that the bike will run as good as new and it will also repair any damage caused by wear and tear.
The next step is to get all the parts that need paint painted. If you are restoring the bike to the way it looked when it came out the factory line, then you have to get it painted with the original paint scheme. Or, you can give it a new paintjob to make it personalized and unique.
After this step, the last thing you need to do is assemble the bike. Do this part carefully in order to avoid any scratches and other types of damage that may happen when you put on each of the parts on the frame.
This is the step by step process on how to restore a vintage motorcycle. With these tips, you can be sure that you can never go wrong whenever you are restoring your motorcycle.