Drug Addiction Recovery

Many people struggling with drug addiction think that recovery is nearly impossible for them. They’ve heard the horror stories…

Truth of Addiction

Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription drug addiction is an ever-growing problem in the United States. People receive prescription drugs most often to combat pain. When they become accustomed to taking a pill to relieve that pain, they often become addicted before they even realize what’s happening. A doctor will write a prescription for drugs to help the patient feel better and be better able to cope with the debilitating symptoms of either an accident or a disease. Because a doctor prescribes…

Drug Addiction Help

When you or a loved one is suffering from a powerful drug addiction, the possibility of getting help and actually being able to stop using drugs might seem out of reach. Many people with drug addictions truly believe that they are stuck in the cycle of use and abuse. They know that help is out there for drug addiction, but feel other people deserve that help, not them. The truth is there is a reason why there…

Alcoholism and Healing

Jeffrey showed up at one of my 5-Day Inner Bonding Intensives to deal with his alcoholism and resulting relationship problems. His past two marriages had ended in messy divorces. His business was falling apart. Yet in the face of all of this, Jeffrey could not or would not stop drinking. Two things were immediately apparent in my first session with Jeffrey. First, he had completely abandoned himself, making others responsible for his self-worth. Due to his unwillingness…

Addiction and Personality Disorder

Substance abuse and dependence (alcoholism, drug addiction) is only one form of recurrent and self-defeating pattern of misconduct. People are addicted to all kinds of things: gambling, shopping, the Internet, reckless and life-endangering pursuits. Adrenaline junkies abound. The connection between chronic anxiety, pathological narcissism, depression, obsessive-compulsive traits and alcoholism and drug abuse is well established and common in clinical practice. But not all narcissists, compulsives, depressives, and anxious people turn to the bottle or the needle. Frequent…