Why It’s Time to Prioritize

Scaling Back eBook

If you want to be happier, more successful or more productive, then it’s absolutely essential that you start to prioritize and decide what you really want out of life and what’s worth chasing after.

That is to say, that you can’t have everything. Or as one old proverb puts it: you can’t chase after two rabbits at once.

This is something that many of us refuse to accept though and the result is that we end up burned out, tired and stressed. What’s worse even is that we end up not getting any of the things that we want.

Consider how you reacted the last time that someone told you they were going to start working out and building muscle. Did you feel happy for them? Or perhaps, did your eyes roll? Did you question whether it was likely to happen?

The Problem

This the unfortunate reality for many people we just can’t commit to something like a workout routine and the result is that we end up failing and not achieving what we want to.

When we set ourselves the goal of getting into shape, this often involves coming up with an intense training regime that’s going to involve going to the gym a good 5 times a week and working out for an hour at a time. This seems reasonable enough right? On top of that, we’re also going to have to drive to the gym, to get showered, to change our clothes and to eat a healthier diet No biggie.

But allow me to remind you of something: you’re already stressed and you’re already tired. That’s the whole reason that you’re not already in the incredible shape you want to be! You’re too lethargic at the end of a long day to do anything productive and as such you end up just kind of lying there in front of the TV.

So your plan is to go from that, to a situation here you’re now running working out for several hours on top of it all.
Can you see now why this fails?

The Solution

Instead, you need to think about this in a different way. Consider that you’re probably already as packed as you can be with your routine and with your energy levels. You can’t fit anything new in on top of what you’re already doing daily.

So the only solution? Something has to give. You might give up a class or you might say no to some of your invitations to socialize. But something has to give.

Declutter Fast

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