Category Archives: Shoulder Pain Relief Tips

Learn How to Deal With Repetitive Strain Injury RSI

The work pattern of computer professionals carries a lot of orthopedic disorders. The chief complaint is constant pain in the upper limbs, neck, shoulders, and back. Upper limb disorders (also called RSI, or tenosynovitis) are the most worse as they may rapidly lead to permanent incapacity.Repetitive strain injury occurs when the movable parts of the…

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Treat Shoulder Tendonitis Before Its Too Late

Shoulder tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendons around the shoulder’s rotator cuff and upper bicep area. Shoulder tendonitis is usually developed by sports and activities that require you to lift your hands above your head repeatedly. Common activities that often lead to shoulder tendonitis are strength training (bodybuilding), some certain swimming strokes, racket sports…

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