Author Archives: Ruth

A Change in Lifestyle is A Good Remedy to Stop Snoring

Approximately 45 percent of the American population snores irregularly. However, there are also an approximate 80 percent of couples who sleep in separate rooms all because of snoring. Have you ever imagined a couple having a divorce due to snoring problem? That could really be terrible. Really, snoring problems do not just stress the relationship…

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Contributing Factors and Subsequent Snoring Remedies

Snoring is the noise produced through vibrating throat components. This occurs only during sleep since this is when our muscles are most relaxed. Relaxation of the muscles can inhibit the passage of normal airflow since the muscles fall back to cause blockage, narrowing the passage itself. Remedies for snoring require careful studies on the related…

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Apnea Treatment Guide

ATTENTION: If you have sleep apnea this may be the most valuable letter you will ever read… “DON’T USE CPAP ONE MORE NIGHT UNTIL YOU READ THIS GUIDE ON PROVEN SLEEP APNEA CURES” Here’s the true story of nine men and women who cured their sleep apnea in less than 6 months – and threw…

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