Losing Twitter Followers

Twitter Growth Domination

Perhaps you’ve spent a considerable amount of time in following many people on Twitter and also for getting more followers. But did you know that it’s also possible to lose followers on this social network? If you’re using the ‘auto direct message’, you need to have second thoughts now.

The AutoDM is one of the most popular tools used by internet marketers on Twitter. If you’re using it properly, then you won’t have any problems. Abusing the tool can have serious consequences.

Twitter allows individuals to send personal messages to their friends so that they are always connected. But some people think that social networks like Twitter are too impersonal. You must be aware of what Twitter is all about. Twitter is for socializing with other people not an advertising billboard. If you always advertise your business, many of your followers will ‘unfollow’ you.

Phrasing your tweets properly can ensure success in internet marketing. By posting appropriately phrased tweets, you can generate good communication. The links that you provide might have an increase in the click rates. With increased conversation, you can develop better relationships with your followers.

How can you lose followers in Twitter? Here are samples of AutoDM’s:

  • Hey, checkout my blogs
  • Why don’t you buy my product? Here’s my link
  • Get this product now

If you send these tweets to followers who hardly know you, they will immediately unfollow you. Sending capitalized tweets is also not a good idea. It would be much better to send more personal messages. Your followers will appreciate if you give them more attention and compliments.

Just try to put yourself in the shoes of your followers. How will you feel if someone sends you a tweet telling you to do something like for instance – ‘check out my products’. If you hardly know someone, you can’t give your trust easily and so you will not check out the products. Check the settings of your AutoDM so that you won’t be able to send impersonal messages to your followers.

If you’re running an online business, it’s not good to lose followers. It can have a terrible effect on your business and of course, your sales. Start changing your impersonal messages and create more personal messages. After you’ve made the changes, you can now use AutoDM. This tool is very helpful but only if you know how to use it properly. Too much of anything is not good and that also applies to the AutoDM.

Twitter is for socialization. You need to learn how to communicate with others effectively. You should try to make friends and develop trust.

If you want your followers to treat you well, you should also treat them accordingly. Being personal in all your dealings in Twitter can ensure success – whether you’re into internet marketing or not. Even if your primary aim is to make friends, you should send personal messages and not impersonal ones.

Losing Twitter followers is really easy but maintaining a huge list of followers is not an easy task. You must invest time and effort to gain more friends and prospects. Check out your AutoDM now and see what kind of messages you’re sending out.

If you need to make changes, do it now before it’s too late. Good luck in using Twitter for making friends and for promoting your online business.

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