
Use Timing Tools to Help You Put Blinders on to Distractions

Trying to focus in the presence of so many distractions can be extremely difficult. If you’re not accustomed to working while avoiding these distractions, you’ll find yourself veering away from your work constantly. Even those who have worked in the presence of these distractions for years find…

Track Your Screen Time to See What’s Siphoning Your Attention

Since technology is so prevalent and integrated in our lives today, it’s also natural that we’re able to be easily distracted by it. It can be very useful for businesses, being able to transfer files and information instantly, but just as quickly, you can switch from working…

Set Boundaries with Clients, Customers and Coworkers

If you’ve had a long history of working directly with clients and customers as a business owner, then you know that it can sometimes be a grueling experience. While many customers are kind and your whole interaction passes without anything of note, some customers can be very…

Get Used to Thriving with Background Noise

If you only work well in complete silence and complete focus, you’re going to need to learn how to adapt. Very few places are dead silent. Even if you have your own home office, chances are you’ll hear your family in the background, as you should. If…

Allow Yourself the Right Kinds of Distractions

Part of being creative is being somewhat distracted by the world around you, because it allows you to draw a great amount of inspiration that you can channel into your work. The problem is, when people think about being distracted, they think about the wrong kinds of…

Focused Versus Unfocused – Where Creativity and Productivity Clash

There are two main “settings” you’ll work with throughout your career. Typically, you’re either doing productivity-focused work, or creative work. While they’re certainly both work, and they’re both necessary to help you do your job properly, they often clash with one another. You need to be able…

Tasks You Can Do to Recharge Your Creativity and Focus Better

If you’ve ever spent hours at a time trying to be creative, you know that at some point you can get burnt out. Sometimes there’s just no true creative thoughts left and you start to try to force it, which results in many sub-par ideas across the…

Sometimes Being Semi-Unfocused Boosts Your Creativity

Many people try too hard to be creative. If you’re not naturally very creative, you might try to force it the same way you would more serious work, by sitting down and focusing very hard. However, this might actually be counterproductive, because it’s been shown that being…