Controlling and Treating Arthritis
Arthritis is a common disease that affects people from all walks of life. All over the globe, there are men, women and even children dealing with this painful condition daily. Although this condition can be a pain, there are ways to ease that pain and treat this disease. Keep reading for some great advice about keeping your arthritis under control.
Consult your doctor frequently about changes in your condition. If you are experiencing unusual swelling or pain, let your doctor know in a timely manner. The same thing goes for if your arthritis pain and swelling is easing up.
It may be caused by a change in your medication or a change in your lifestyle, and it is important for your doctor to know what is working best for you.

Take your medications on time every time. Do not wait too long to refill them either. When you are getting low, make sure to call the pharmacist to refill your prescription or your doctor to write you a new one so you do not have to go any time without your medication and miss a dose. Other than the inconvenient and painful side effects of not taking your medication, you could also damage your joints even further if you let the swelling and inflammation get out of control.
Avoid activities and chores that irritates your weaker joints and makes your arthritis flare up. If there are certain chores around the house, such as washing dishes, vacuuming and sweeping, bringing laundry up the stairs, bending and picking up things around the house or another chore that seems to make your arthritis flare up, ask someone else in the household to take care of it or have a family member or friend to come over to help.
If it hurts to drive, consider taking the bus or train, or getting a ride from a friend or family member, even if only for a few trips a week. The pain and damage you can cause to your joints in the future if you continue to wear them down is worse than the inconvenience of taking public transportation once in a while.
Exercise frequently and keep your body in good shape. When your joints are inflamed with arthritis, it is important for the rest of your body to be strong and healthy to offset this.
You can also use exercises that are easy on your weaker joints so as to not cause further pain, but make them stronger at the same time. The right exercises for you depend on your age and what type of arthritis you suffer from. Talk with your doctor or physical therapist for some great exercise ideas.
As the introduction stated, there are many people living with arthritis around the world, so you are not alone. Many have found ways of relieving and reducing the frequency of pain and swelling, and you can too. Just follow the advice in the article above and find some relief from the pain of arthritis.