Myths and Misinformation About Arthritis
Arthritis is a serious and painful condition that is not easy to overcome. There are also plenty of myths, misconceptions and misinformation out there about arthritis that can make it even more difficult to make sense of when you need to.
When you are diagnosed with arthritis it is very important to get all the reliable information you can use to treat your condition and disregard the myths. Keep reading to learn more about common arthritis myths and why they are wrong.
One common misconception is that arthritis is an old person’s disease that young adults do not have to worry about. This is completely false. It is true that osteoarthritis, which is caused by long-term wear and tear of the joints, is more common in the elderly.

It is actually the most common type of arthritis also, but there are many more different types that can affect young, middle-aged and elderly adults equally. Some types of arthritis can even affect children, so it is completely false to think that it only affect the elderly.
Some people believe that moving to a warm climate, such as Florida, will help relieve the symptoms or even prevent developing arthritis. This is another myth. Arthritis is often caused by cartilage wearing away and joints rubbing together. There is no climate that can stop this from happening.
Warmth is soothing to arthritic joints and can reduce swelling, but a warmer day outside is not going to do much for that; the warmth has to be applied directly. However, in warmer climates people are more likely to enjoy the outdoors and be active; there is also less fear of slipping on slush or ice and damaging your joints even further.
Arthritis is not caused by bad nutrition or poor diet. You can blame all those sweets and fried foods for the extra pounds you are carrying, but you can’t blame them for arthritis. You can eat the healthiest diet possible and still develop arthritis. However, losing extra weight and living a healthy lifestyle can decrease pain from arthritis, especially if you have it in your knees or other weight-bearing part of your body.
Some people think when you have arthritis, you cannot be active and should not exercise. However, the opposite is actually true. Exercising can make the other parts of your body stronger and help relieve the burden of your arthritic joints. It also keep your blood flowing which can also relieve the pain. The worst thing you can do for your arthritis is living a sedentary lifestyle after you are diagnosed.
Now that you have read through this article and you can determine fiction from fact when it comes to arthritis, it is important to use the treatments that you know are working to control your condition. There are still plenty of myths out there, so if you learn about any new arthritis treatments that do not sound right to you, be sure to speak with your doctor before trying them.